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Arvo Pärt

Works Available for Performance

Arvo Pärt by Klaus J�rgen Dobberke

For this update of the Works List, the continuing assistance of Eric Marinitsch at Universal Edition is acknowledged. At Mr. Pärt's request, a number of his compositions were removed from earlier versions and this allowed us to concentrate on confirming the accuracy of the Performance list.

It is still hoped that, in the near future, we can revisit the Works List from a "historical" viewpoint but if, in the meantime, you require further information on any of Arvo Pärt's works, please feel free to e-mail me at the address below.

UE numbers indicate that the scores are sale items, available through your local music store. Orchestral material is only available on hire. For hire conditions contact UE Vienna or its representative in your country.

The Works of Arvo Pärt is compiled by Doug Maskew with Eric Marinitsch.
Last updated: 23 October 2005
Comments and info appreciated.

L'Abbé Agathon
(2004) For cello octet and soprano. Sung in French. (UE - 32.767)

see "Mozart - Adagio"

An den Wassern zu Babel sassen wir und weinten, Psalm 137 Originally titled "In Spe".
(1976) 4 voices and instrumental ensemble. Only the vowels of the Latin text are sung.
(1976/1984/1994) Voices and small ensemble. (vocal UE 30.160/ instruments - rental)
(1991) arr. for SATB choir and organ by C. Bowers-Broadbent. (partitur UE 30.159/vocal UE 30.160)
(1993) arr. for trombone and string orchestra by Christian Lindberg (UE - discontinued)
(1996) Version for trombone, 2 clarinets, 1 horn and strings. (UE - hire materials only)
(1996) Version for SATB chorus and Instrumental Ensemble of wind & strings (UE - hire materials only)
(19??) Version for SATB chorus and string quartet.

And one of the Pharisees…
(1990) 3 male voices or choir (Ct[A]/TB). Sung in English. Text from St. Luke 7, 36-50 (UE 30.510)

Annum Per Annum
(1980) Organ. (UE 17.179)

Anthem of St John the Baptist
(2004) For choir and organ. Sung in English. Text, John 1: 19-23 (UE - in preparation)

(1977/1981) Version for 7 or 8 recorders and 3 triangles ad libitum. (UE 17.443)
(1986) Version for brass octet and percussion. (study score - UE 31.911)

The Beatitudes
(1990/1991) SATB choir or soloists and organ. Sung in English. Text from St. Matthew 5, 3-12
(full score UE 19.584/vocal 19.585)

(1990/2001) SATB choir or soloists and organ. Sung in English. Text from St. Matthew 5, 3-12
(full score UE 31.989/vocal 31.990)

Beatus Petronius
(1990) 8 part SATB choir and 2 organs. Sung in Latin. (full score UE 31.156/vocal 31.157)

Berliner Messe
(1990/1991/1997) SATB choir or soloists and organ. Sung in Latin. (full score UE 31.132/vocal 31.133)
(1990, rev. X/1991) SATB choir or soloists and string orch. (study UE 32.762/ vocal 32.761/organ 31.646)
(1990, rev. 2002) Credo, for SATB choir and string orchestra. Sung in Latin. (choral score UE 32.630/study-score UE32.631)

Bogoroditse Dyevo (Mother of God and Virgin)
(1990) SATB choir. Sung in Church Slavic. (UE 30.414)

Canon of Repentence
see "Kanon pokajanen"

Cantate Domino Canticum Novum, Psalm 95
(1977/1996) SATB choir or soloists and organ. Sung in Latin. (full score UE 31.058 / vocal 31.059)

Cantiques des degrés
(1999) SATB choir and orchestra. Text from Psalm 121. (choral score - UE 31.466)

Cantus In Memory of Benjamin Britten
(1977, rev. 1980) String orchestra and bell. (pocket study score - UE PH555)

Cecilia, vergine romana
(2000) Choir and orchestra. Sung in Italian. Text from Breviarium Romanum. (UE - hire material only)

Christmas Lullaby
(2002) Lullaby for soprano and piano or ensemble. Sung in Church Slavic. (UE - 32.749)

Collage on B-A-C-H
(1964) Strings, oboe, harpsichord and piano (Sikorski 1887)

Como anhela la cierva
(1998) Soprano and orchestra. Sung in Spanish. Text from Psalms 42 & 43.
(no longer available for performance)

Como cierva sedienta
(2000) arrangement of Como anhela la cierva for soprano, female choir and orchestra.
Sung in Spanish. Text from Psalms 42 & 43. (study score UE - 31.290 / solo part UE 31.370A)

Concerto Piccolo on B-A-C-H (Trumpet Concerto)
(1994) Trumpet, string orchestra, cimbalom and piano. Based on "Collage on B-A-C-H". (Sikorski 1931)

(1968) Mixed choir, piano and orchestra. Sung in Latin. (study score UE 32.744)

Da pacem Domine
(2004) SATB choir and instrumental ensemble - variable instrumentation. Sung in Latin. (UE hire materials only)
(2004) Vocal ensemble. Sung in Latin.

Darf ich
(1995/1996) Violin, string orchestra and ad libitum tubular bell. (study score UE 31.486)

De Profundis Clamavi, Psalm 129
(1977/1980) Male choir or soloists, organ and ad libitum percussion. Sung in Latin. (UE 17.410)

Diagrammid (Diagrams), op.11
(1964) Piano. (Sikorski)

Dopo la vittoria
(1997) SATB choir. Sung in Italian (UE 30.429)

Es sang vor langen Jahren - Motette
(1984) Counter-tenor or alto with violin and viola. Sung in German. Text by Clemens Brentano. (UE 18.421)

Festina Lente
(1988, rev XII/1990) String orchestra and ad libitum harp. (UE 19.286)

4 Easy Dances for Piano: Music for Children's Theatre
(1956-57) Piano. (Eres)

(1977) Original version for chamber ensemble of early or modern instruments.(UE - rental only)
(1980) Violin and piano. (UE 17.274)
(1983) 8 or 12 cellos. (score UE 17.710/set of 4 parts UE 17.711)
(1983) 4 cellos. (UE 17.711)
(1983, rev. X/1991) String orchestra and percussion. (study score UE 17.802)
(1985) String quartet. (full score UE 19.000/parts UE 19.000a-c)
(1989) Cello and piano (arr. Dietmar Schwalke). (UE 19.563)
(1990) Wind octet and percussion (arr. Beat Briner) (full score UE 19.814/parts UE 19.815)
(1992) Violin, string orchestra and percussion. (study score UE 31.998/performance material - rental only)
(1994) Trombone, string orchestra and percussion. (study score UE 32.397/performance material - rental only)
(1995) Cello, string orchestra and percussion. (study score UE 31.997/performance material - rental only)
(2002) Guitar, string orchestra and percussion. (study score UE 32.365/performance material - rental only)
(2003) Viola and piano. (UE 32.624 - in preparation)

Für Alina (Aliinale)
(1976) Piano. (UE 19.823)

Hymn To A Great City
(1984/1999) Two pianos. (UE 30.439)

I Am The True Vine
(1996) SATB choir. Sung in English. Text from St. John 15, vv 1-14. (UE 30.301)

If Bach Had Been a Bee-Keeper
see "Wenn Bach Bienen Gezüchtet Hätte"

In principio
(2002) SATB choir and orchestra. Sung in Latin (vocal score UE 32.655/full score UE 32.656)

In Spe
see "An den Wassern zu Babel…"

Introductory Prayers, for string orchestra
see "Trisagion"

Kanon Pokajanen
(1995/1997) SATB choir. Sung in Church Slavic. (study score UE 31.114/vocal score UE 31.272)

Ode I (vocal score UE 31.271)
Ode III (vocal score UE 31.273)
Ode IV (vocal score UE 31.274)
Ode V (vocal score UE 31.275)
Ode VI - Kontakion - Ikos (vocal score UE 31.276)
Ode VII - Memento (vocal score UE 31.277)
Ode VIII (vocal score UE 31.278)
Ode IX - Nýnje k wam pribjegáju first composed 1989 (vocal score UE 31.279)
Gebet nach dem Kanon/Prayer after the Kanon (vocal score UE 31.280)

Kuus, kuus, kallike
(2002) Lullaby for soprano and piano or ensemble. Sung in Estonian. (UE - 32.749)

(2002) Orchestra and piano (UE - rental materials available)

Litany (Prayers of St. John Chrysostom for each hour of the day and night)
(1994) ATTB soli, choir and chamber orchestra. Sung in English. (study score UE 31.116 / vocal UE 30.780)

Littlemore Tractus
(2001) SATB choir. Sung in English. Text by John Henry Newman. (full score UE 31.595/vocal UE 31.596)

(1989) SATB choir. Sung in Latin. (UE 19.350)

Magnificat Antiphonen (The 7 Advent "O" Antiphons)
(1988, rev. V/1991) SATB choir. Sung in German. (UE 19.098)

Meie aed, op.3 (Our Garden)
(1959) Children's choir and orchestra. Text by Eno Raud. Sung in Estonian. (UE - in preparation)

Mein Weg hat Gipfel und Wellentäler
(1990) Organ. (UE 19.545)
(1994/1999) For string orchestra and percussion. (UE 31.598)

(1994/1996) SATB choir. Sung in Church Slavic. Originally titled Momento Mori. (UE 30.266)

(1989/92) SATB soli, SATB choir and ensemble. Sung in Latin. (full score UE 30.871/vocal UE 30.873)

Missa Syllabica
(1977/1996) SATB choir or soloists and organ. Sung in Latin. (full score UE 30.430 / vocal UE 30.431)
(1977/1997) SATB a cappella choir. (UE 31.151)

see "Sarah Was Ninety Years Old"

Most Holy Mother of God
(2003) Counter-tenor, two tenors and baritone. Sung in English (UE

Motette für de la Motte
see "Es sang vor langen Jahren"

Mozart - Adagio (arranged from Piano Sonata in F Major, K.280)
(1992/1997) Violin, cello and piano (UE 30.456)

My Heart's In The Highlands
(2000) Counter-tenor or alto and organ. Sung in English. Text by Robert Burns. (UE 31.541)

Nekrolog, op.5
(1960) Orchestra. (M.P. Belaieff, Frankfurt 533)

Nunc dimittis
(2001) SATB choir. Sung in Latin. (UE 31.279)

Nun eile ich zu euch (Nýnje k wam pribjegáju)
see "Kanon Pokajanen"

Orient & Occident
(2000) String Orchestra. (UE 31.518 - in preparation)

Our Garden
see "Meie aed"

Pari Intervallo
(1976/1980) Version for 4 recorders. (UE 17.444)
(1976/1980) Version for organ. (UE 17.480)
(1995) Clarinet, trombone and strings. (UE - rental only)

Partita, op.2
(1958) Piano. (UE 30.410)

(2003) Violin and piano (UE 32.738)

Passio Domini nostri Jesu Christi secundum Joannem (St. John Passion)
(1982) Vocal ensemble, choir and instrumental ensemble. Sung in Latin. (study UE 17.568/vocal UE 17.570)

Peace Upon You, Jerusalem (Psalm 122)
(2002) SA choir (UE - not yet available)

Perpetuum Mobile, op.10
(1963) Orchestra. (UE 13.560)

Pro et Contra, cello concerto
(1966) Violincello and orchestra. (Sikorski 1881)

(1985/1991, rev. V/1993) Version for string quartet. (UE 19.980)
(1985/1995) Version for string orchestra. (UE - rental only)

Quintettino, op.13 (Kvintettino)
(1964) Brass quintet. (C.F.Peters, Frankfurt 5774a)

Salve Regina
(2002) SATB choir and organ (UE - in preparation)

Sarah Was Ninety Years Old (Originally titled Modus).
(1976/1990) Soprano, two tenors, organ and percussion. Wordless text. (UE 30.300)

Sieben Magnificat Antiphonen
see "Magnificat Antiphonen"

Silouans Song (My soul yearns after the Lord…)
(1991, rev. IX/1991) String orchestra. (UE 19.889)
(2001) Version for cello and piano. (UE 31.925)

(1964, rev. 1996) SATB choir. Wordless text. (UE 30.455)

Sonatine, op.1 no.1 and no.2
(1958 and 1959) Piano. (UE 30.411)

Spiegel im Spiegel
(1978) Violin and piano. (UE 31.257)
(1978) Cello and piano. (UE 30.336)
(19??) Viola and piano (UE 31.257)

Stabat Mater
(1985) 3 voices (SAT) and string trio. Sung in Latin. (UE 19.053)

Statuit ei Dominus
(1990) Two SATB choirs and 2 organs. Sung in Latin. (score & organ UE 19.671/vocal UE 19.672)

(1977, rev.1996) SATB choir or soloists. Sung in Latin. (UE 17.225)
(1990) Violin, two violas and cello. (UE 19.675)
(1991) String orchestra. (UE 19.836)
(1991) String quartet. (UE 19.099)

Symphony no.1, op.9 (The Polyphonic)
(1963) Orchestra. (Sikorski 1881)

Symphony no.2
(1966) Orchestra. (Sikorski 1886)

Symphony no.3
(1971) Orchestra. (C.F.Peters 5775)

Tabula Rasa
(1977) 2 violins (or violin & viola), prepared piano and string orchestra. (UE 17.249)

Te Deum
(1984-92) choir, string orchestra, piano and tape. (score UE 30.822 / vocal UE 30.824)

Tribute to Caesar
(1997) SATB choir. Sung in English. Text from St. Matthew 22, vv 15-22 (UE 31.137)

(1998) SATB choir. Sung in English. Text from the Orthodox prayer book (UE 31.228 - in preparation)

Trisagion (formerly titled "Introductory Prayers")
(1992, rev XII/1994) String orchestra. (UE 31.265)

(1976) Organ. (Sikorski 882)

Variationen zur Gesundung von Arinushka
(1977) Piano. (UE 19.823)

Vier leichte Tanzstücke für Klavier
see "4 Easy Dances for Piano"

Ein Wallfahrtslied, Psalm 121
(1984, rev. 1996) Male voice (tenor or baritone) and string quartet. Sung in German. (UE 30.426)
(2001) Male voice choir and string orchestra (UE 31.876)

Wenn Bach Bienen Gezüchtet Hätte
(1976/1984/2001) Wind quintet, piano, string orchestra and percussion. (UE 18.646 - spring 2002)

…which was the son of…
(2000) SATB choir. Sung in English. Text from Luke 3, vv 23-28. (UE 31.507)

The Woman with The Alabaster Box
(1997) SATB choir. Sung in English. Text from St. Matthew 26, vv 6-13 (UE 31.127)

Zwei Beter
(1998) SA choir. Sung in German. Text from Luke 18, vv 9-14. (UE 31.297)

Zwei slawische Psalmen
(1984/1997) SATB choir. Sung in Church Slavic. Settings of Psalms 117 & 131. (UE 31.115)

Zwei Wiegenlieder
1. Christmas Lullaby 2. Kuus, kuus, kallike
(2002) Two lullabies for soprano and piano or ensemble (UE - 32.749)

Copyright © Doug Maskew and Universal Edition, 1997-2005.
