Asger Hamerik
Symphony #3 "Symphonie lyrique" in E Major, Op. 33 (1883-84)
Symphony #4 "Symphonie majestueuse" in C Major, Op. 35 (1888-89)
Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra/Thomas Dausgaard
Marco Polo dacapo 8.224088 72:58
The Danish composer Hamerik is the best-known of a family of composers and among other achievements, was for many years a leading light in the musical life of Baltimore. Some of his training was with Berlioz and although his music does not sound like that of the French master, he does make some use of the idée fixe as in the fourth symphony. Dausgaard leads very spirited performances which show the music in its best light. Da Capo has recorded Hamerik's other five symphonies, the last of them a choral work. (Symphonies #1 & 2 8.224076; Symphonies #5 & 6 8.224161; Symphony #7 & Requiem 8.226033)