Florent Schmitt
Antoine et Cléopâtre, Op. 69 (1920)
Mirages, Op. 70 (1920-21)
Orchestre National de Lorraine/Jacques Mercier
Timpani 1C1133 58:13
Some of Schmitt's orchestral works are inspired by the femme fatale: La Tragédie de Salomé, recorded by Paray, de Almeida and others, Salâmmbo, recorded by Mercier for RCA and re-released by Arkiv Music, and Antoine et Cléopâtre, written for a translation by André Gide of the Shakespeare play. This six-part suite is lushly orchestrated with some exciting sequences and, fortunately, only slight attempt at evoking Egypt. Mirages comprises two separate piano pieces which were later orchestrated and combined: the first, a sort of tombeau de Debussy, has more than a trace of La Mer.
You might also be interested in an inexpensive Apex CD of La Tragédie de Salomé and the choral Psaume 47, conducted by Marek Janowski.