Mel Bonis
Piano Quartet #1 in B Flat Major, Op. 69
Soir, Matin Op. 76
Piano Quartet #2 in D Major, Op. 124
Mozart Piano Quartet
Dabringhaus & Grimm MDG6431424-2 56:38
Once again, the performers of the Mozart Piano Quartet (Mark Gothoni, violin; Haartmut Rohde, viola; Peter Hörr, cello; Paul Rivinius, piano) have produced an excellent CD of rarely heard music. Mèlanie Bonis Domange wrote strong, passionate chamber works. They are serious French Post-Romantic compositions, but this CD gives only us a small sample of Bonis' output during her long creative life. The First and Second Piano Quartets are separated by twenty years. Both contain rich harmonies, high emotional content, and classic structure. The last movement of Op. 124 is especially restless and dramatic, keeping that drama high till the very last chords. Highly recommended.
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