The latest film featuring Tom Hanks in the title role revolves around a Mafia style plot intrinsically intermeshed into Americanized style glitz that is occasionally unconvincing as a Godfather remake.
However, the music composed by Thomas Newman of American Beauty fame is suitably scrumptious and has some fine moments throughout. There are 27 items on this well filled CD with Armin Steiner conducting the orchestra and the actors also playing the piano in the duet at the end.
Obviously, one has to put him/herself into a visual perspective to enjoy such music but Newman's contributions are quite atmospheric aurally. The obviously titled suite, 'Murder' is amongst the most savagely virulent but there are also multiple movements such as 'The Farm' and 'Grave Drive' that are quite mimetically atmospheric and sinister at the same time.
Great stuff for film buffs then, and a fine teaser for those who haven't watched the film yet.
Copyright © 2002, Gerald Fenech