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Italian Opera, 1810-1840: Ida Della Torre (13th of a 58 Vol Set) Vol 27. Philip Gossett (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 082406576X (hardcover).

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Jacques Buus: Il Secondo Libro Di Recercari…Da Cantare & Sonare D'Organo & Altri Stromenti… a Quatro Voci (Venice, 1549). James Ladewig (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1993. ISBN 0824045025 (hardcover).

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Jardin Musiqual, Contenant Plusieurs Belles Fleurs De Chansons…Le Premier Livre (Antwerp, C. 1556 and Jardin Musical, Contenant Plusieurs Belles F). Timothy McTaggart (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1992. ISBN 0824031008 (hardcover).

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Late Eighteenth-Century Sonatas for Woodwinds: Continuo Sonatas for Woodwinds (Eighteenth-Century Continuo Sonata, 10). Jane Adas (Editor), Paul Goodwin. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0815301839 (hardcover).

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Libretti IV: Facsimilies of Eighteenth Century Prints (Johann Christian Bach, 1735-1782: The Collected Works: Vol 46). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1985. ISBN 0824060954 (hardcover).

Libretti V: Facsimilies of Eighteenth-Century Prints (Johann Christian Bach, 1735-1782: The Collected Works: Vol 47). Ernest Warburton. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824060962 (hardcover).

The Librettos of Mozart's Operas: The Pasticcios Vol 5. Ernest Warburton (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1993. ISBN 081530112X (hardcover).

Lodovico Viadana: Sinfonie Musicali a Otto Voci…Commode Per Concertare Con Ogni Sorte Di Stromenti…Opera XVIII (Venice, 1610). Lodovico Da Viadana. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1994. ISBN 0824045203 (hardcover).

London, British Library, MS Add. 30491 (Keyboard Music, Horologivm). Alexander Silbiger. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824080106 (hardcover).

London, British Library, Royal 20.A. XVI (Renaissance Music in Facsimile). Howard Brown. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824014596 (hardcover).

London, British, Library, MS Add. 40080 (Attributed to Frescobaldi Girolamo 1583-1643). Alexander Silbiger. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824080017 (hardcover).

Lorenzo Allegri: Il Primo Libro Delle Musiche (Venice, 1618). Lorenzo Allegri, Andrew Dell'Antonio (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1995. ISBN 0824045262 (hardcover).

Lucio Silla: Opera Seria in Three Acts (The Collected Works of Johann Christian Bach). Johann Christian Bach. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824060571 (hardcover).

Luneburg, Ratsbucherei, Mus. Ant. Pract. 1198 (17th Century Keyboard Music, Volume 22). Alexander Silbiger. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824080211 (hardcover).

Manuscript Sources of Seventeenth-Century Italian Lute Music. Victor Coelho. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1995. ISBN 0815313829 (hardcover).

Marc'Antonio Ingegneri. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1993. ISBN 0824055125 (hardcover).

Marc'Antonio Ingegneri: Il Primo Libro De Madrigali a Quatro Voci (Venice, 1578). Jessie Ann Owens (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1993. ISBN 9993863254 (hardcover).

Marc'Antonio Ingegneri: Il Secondo Libro De Madrigali a Quattro Voci (Venice, 1579). Jessie Ann Owens (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1993. ISBN 0824055160 (hardcover).

Marco Aurelio Marliani (1805-1849: Ildegonda). Philip Gossett, Marco Aurelio Marlinia. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 082406559X (hardcover).

Masses (Seventeenth-Century Italian Sacred Music, Vol 1) Vol 1. Gasparo Villani, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1995. ISBN 081532166X (hardcover).

Masses (Seventeenth-Century Italian Sacred Music, Vol 2) Vol 2. Giovanni Francesco Capello, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1995. ISBN 0815321678 (hardcover).

Masses (Seventeenth-Century Italian Sacred Music, Vol 3) Vol 3. Carlo Milanuzzi (Composer), et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1995. ISBN 0815321686 (hardcover).

Masses by Alessandro Grandi, Giovanni Battista Chinelli, Tarquinio Merula Giovanni Antonio Rigatti (Seventeenth Century Italian Sacred Music, Vol 4) Vol 4. Anne Schnoebelen (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1996. ISBN 0815323638 (hardcover).

Masses by Giovanni Pietro Finatti, Maurizio Cazzati, Giulio Cesare Arresti (Seventeenth-Century Italian Sacred Music Series, Vol 6). Anne Schnoebelen (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1997. ISBN 081532412X (hardcover).

Messiaen's Language of Mystical Love (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, Vol. 2050) Vol 205. Siglind Bruhn (Editor), Joseph Auner. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1998. ISBN 0815327471 (hardcover).

Mid Eighteenth-Century Masters: Continuo Sonatas for Violin (The Eighteenth-Century Continuo Sonata, Vol V). Jane Adas (Editor), Jaap Schröder. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0815301782 (hardcover).

Milan, Biblioteca Del Conservatorio Di Musica Giuseppe Verdi ('the Tarasconi Codex' Renaissance Music in Facsimile). Howard Brown. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 082401460X (hardcover).

Miscellaneous Manuscripts (English Song, 1600-1675). Elise Ingens. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824082419 (hardcover).

Modena, Biblioteca Estense E Universitaria MS Alpha F. 9 9 (Renaissance Music in Facsimile). Howard Brown. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824014626 (hardcover).

Motectorum …Liber Primus Cum Quinque Vocibus (Sixteenth-Century Motet, Vol 23). Ernoul Causin. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1989. ISBN 082407923X (hardcover).

Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Musica MS 10 (Renaissance Music in Facsimile). Howard Brown. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824014634 (hardcover).

Music and Poetry in the Middle Ages: A Guide to Research on French and Occitan Song, 1100-1400 (Garland Medieval Bibliographies, Vol 19). Margaret L. Switten. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1995. ISBN 0824047974 (hardcover).

Music at the Royal Court and Chapel in Poland 1543-1600 (Outstanding Dissertations in Music from British Universities). Tomasz M.M. Czepiel. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1996. ISBN 0815322372 (hardcover).

Music for the Mass I: New Manuscript Scores (Johann Christian Bach, 1735-1782: The Collected Works: Vol 19). Ernest Warburton. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824060687 (hardcover).

Music for the Mass II: Settings of the Gloria and Credo for Soloists, Choir and Orchestra from Eighteenth-Century Manuscript Sources (The Collected). Johann Christian Bach. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824060695 (hardcover).

Music for the Office of the Dead and the Mass for the Dead: Eight Liturgical Works for Soloists, Choir, and Orchestra from Eighteenth-Century manuscr. Johann Christian Bach. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824060709 (hardcover).

Music for Three Instruments: New Manuscript Scores (Johann Christian Bach, 1735-1782: The Collected Works: Vol 39). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824060881 (hardcover).

Music for Vespers I: Settings of a Response, a Psalm, and the Magnificat for Soloists, Choir and Orchestra from Eighteenth-Century Manuscript sources. Johann Christian Bach. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824060717 (hardcover).

Music for Vespers II (Collected Works of Johan Christian Bach 1735-1782, Vol 23). Johann Christian Bach, Ernest Warburton. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1985. ISBN 0824060725 (hardcover).

The Musical Sources for Domenico Corri's: A Select Collection of the Most Admired Songs, Duetts & C., and the Singer's Preceptor, Vols 1-2 Vol 4. Richard Maunder. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1995. ISBN 0815308450 (hardcover).

The Musical Sources for Domenico Corri's: A Select Collection of the Most Admired Songs, Duetts, Etc.,: Volumes 1-3 Vol 2. Richard Maunder (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1993. ISBN 0815306806 (hardcover).

Musical Transcription (The Garland Library of Readings in Ethnomusicology Vol 4) Vol 4. Kay Kaufman Shelemay (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1990. ISBN 0824064720 (hardcover).

Native and Foreign Virtuosos: Selected Works of Zimmerman, Alkan, Franck, and Contemporaries (Piano Music of the Parisian Virtuosos 1810-1860, Vol 1). Jeffrey Kallberg (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1993. ISBN 0815308566 (hardcover).

New York Public Library Manuscripts: Part II: Drexel Ms. 4257 (John Gamble, 'His Booke, Amen 1659'). Elise Jorgens. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824082400 (hardcover).

New York Public Library Manuscripts, Part I: Drexel Ms. 404-1 (English Song, 1600-1675). Elise Jorgens. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824082397 (hardcover).

Nicolas (16th Century Chanson, Vol 20). Hyunjung Choi. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0824031199 (hardcover).

Nicolas Millot, Marchandy, Nicolas De Marle, Thomas Champion (Mithou, Pierre Moulu, Jean Mouton, Pagnier, Hilaire Penet, Claude Petit Jahan). Nicolas Millot. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0824031180 (hardcover).

Orione, Ossia Diana Vendicata and Zanaida: New Manuscript Scores of the Surviving Fragments (Johann Christian Bach, 1735-1782: Collected Works Vol). Ernest Warburton (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1989. ISBN 0824060539 (hardcover).

Ottavio Bariolla: Caprici, Overo Canzoni a Quattro…Libro Terzo (Milan, 1594). James Ladewig (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1995. ISBN 0824045114 (hardcover).

Oxford Manuscripts, Part I: Christ Church Ms. 439 Tenbury 1018 (Ff. 7V-8, 10, 11V12 30 V, 33-48 Only Tenbury 1019 Christ Church Ms, 87). Elise Jorgens. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824082362 (hardcover).

Oxford Manuscripts, Part II: Bodleian Library Ms. Mus. B. 1 (English Song, 1600-1675). Elise Jorgens. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824082370 (hardcover).

Oxford, Bodleian Library: Mss Music School E. 376-381 (The Forrest-Heather Part Books). Howard Bronw. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824014642 (hardcover).

Passion 'Kommt Her Und Schaut' Carl Heinrich Graun Mass Antonio Lotti (Handel Sources: Materials for the Study of Handel's Borrowing, Vol 5). John Roberts (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824064798 (hardcover).

Pasticcio and Temperance Plays in America: II Pesceballo (1862 and Ten Nights in a Bar-Room). Dale Cockrell (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1994. ISBN 0815313802 (hardcover).

Perissone Cambio (1545: Madrigali a Cinque Voci) Vol 2. Martha Feldman (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1990. ISBN 0824055020 (hardcover).

Philippe Verdelot: Madrigals for Four and Five Voices (Sixteenth-Century Madrigal, Vol 28). Jessie Ann Owens (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1989. ISBN 0824055306 (hardcover).

Philippe Verdelot: Madrigals for Four and Five Voices (Sixteenth-Century Madrigal, Vol 29). Jessie Ann Owens (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1989. ISBN 0824055314 (hardcover).

Philippe Verdelot: Madrigals for Four and Five Voices (Sixteenth-Century Madrigal, Vol 30). Jessie Ann Owens (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1989. ISBN 0824055322 (hardcover).

Pierre Santerre, the Complete Chansons: Alessandro Striggio, Touteau, Phillipe Verdelot, Johannes Verius, Antoine De Villers (The Sixteenth-Century). Jane A. Bernstein (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1992. ISBN 0824031210 (hardcover).

Pietro Antonio Coppolo, 1793-1877: LA Pazza Per Amore and Excerpts from II Postiglione Di Longjumeaux (Italian Opera 1810-1840, Vol 5). Philip Gossett, Pietro A. Coppoli / Paperback. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824065549 (paperback).

Pietro Taglia: Il Primo Libro De Madrigali a Quattro Voci (Milan, 1555). Jessie-Ann Owens (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1995. ISBN 0824055292 (hardcover).

Polyphony in Portugal C. 1530-C.1620: Sources from the Monastery of Santa Cruz, Coimbra (Outstanding Dissertations in Music from British Universitie). Owen Rees. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1995. ISBN 0815320299 (hardcover).

Premier Livre De Chansons a Deux Parties (Sixteenth-Century Chanson, Vol 15). Adrian Le Roy, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1992. ISBN 0824031148 (hardcover).

Romantic French Song 1830-1870/Early Romances by Berat, Berlioz, Duchambge, Grisar, Meyerbeer, Monpou, Morel, Panseron, and Romagnesi: Selected Song Vol 1. David Tunley (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1994. ISBN 0815313608 (hardcover).

Rome, #II (Solor Motets from the 17th Century Series Prints from the Italian Baroque) Vol 9. Anne Schnoebelen (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1989. ISBN 0824006445 (hardcover).

Saffo and Excerpts from Furio Camilla (Italian Opera 1810-1840, Vol 36). Philip Gossett, Giovanni Pacini. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824065859 (hardcover).

Samuel Beckett and the Arts; Music, Visual Arts, and Non-Print Media. Lois Oppenheim, Daniel Albright. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1998. ISBN 0815325274 (hardcover).

Second Livre D'Airs Des Plus Excelants Musiciens De Nostre Tems. Reduiz 'a Quatre Parties. Par M. Di. Le Blanc (Paris, 1579 Airs De Court. Mis En M). Jane A. Bernstein (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1995. ISBN 0824031024 (hardcover).

Selections from Bologna Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, MS Q 20 (The Sixteenth Century Motet 8). Richard Sheer (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1990. ISBN 0824079086 (hardcover).

Selections from Motetti C (Venice, 1504). Richard Sherr (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0824079027 (hardcover).

Selections from Motetti De LA Corona (Libro Secondo). Richard Sherr (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1992. ISBN 0824079051 (hardcover).

Selections from Motetti De LA Croona (Libro Primo). Richard Sherr (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0824079043 (hardcover).

Selections from Motetti Libro Quarto (Venice, 1505). Richard Sherr (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0824079035 (hardcover).

Seventeenth-Century English Keyboard Music: Benjamin Cosyn: Benjamin Cosyn (Outstanding Dissertations in Music from British Universities). Orhan Memed. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1993. ISBN 081530949X (hardcover).

Shorter Composition (J.N. Hummel). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1990. ISBN 0824037898 (hardcover).

Siena, Biblioteca Comunale Degli Intronati, MS K.I.2 (Renaissance Music in Facsimile). Howard Brown. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824014669 (hardcover).

Sigismond Thalberg (1812-1871: Selected Works) Vol 2. Jeffrey Kallberg (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1993. ISBN 0815308485 (hardcover).

Single Operatic Arias and Overtures (Johann Christian Bach, 1735-1782: The Collected Works, Vol 12). Ernest Warburton (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1993. ISBN 082406061X (hardcover).

Sixteenth-Century Madrigal Vol 22. Jessie Ann Owens (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1996. ISBN 0824055225 (hardcover).

Sixteenth-Century Motet: Selections from Motetti a Numero Trentatre (Venice, 1502) Vol 1. Richard Sherr (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0824079019 (hardcover).

Solo Motets: Facsimilies of Eighteenth -Century Manuscript Scores and New Manuscript Scores (Johann Christian Bach, 1735-1782: The Collected Works). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1989. ISBN 0824060679 (hardcover).

Sonate a Quattro, Sei, Et Otto, Con Alcuni Concerti a Otto (Venice, 1608). Cesario Gussago, Andrew Dell'Antonio (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1994. ISBN 082404519X (hardcover).

Songs by Charles Gounod (1818-1893. Songs by Léo Delibes) Vol 5. David Tunely (Editor), David Tunley. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1995. ISBN 0815313578 (hardcover).

Songs by Felicien David (1810-1876). David Tunely (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1995. ISBN 0815313594 (hardcover).

Songs by Henri Reber (1807-1880, Six Romances Populaires) Vol 3. David Tunley (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1995. ISBN 081531356X (hardcover).

Songs by Jules Massenet (1842-1912, Louis Lacombe) Vol 6. David Tunley (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1995. ISBN 0815313616 (hardcover).

Songs by Victor Masse (1822-1884, Including Chants Bretons) Vol 4. David Tunley (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1995. ISBN 0815313586 (hardcover).

The Sources: 1 (The Librettos of Mozart's Operas, Vol 6). Ernest Warburton (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1993. ISBN 0815301138 (hardcover).

The Sources: 2 (The Librettos of Mozart's Operas, Vol 7). Ernest Warburton (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1993. ISBN 0815308973 (hardcover).

Stefano Bernardi: Sonatas and Sinfonias from the Motetti in Cantilena a Quattro Voic, Con Alcune Canzoni Per Sonare Con Ogni Sorte Di Stromenti). James Ladewig (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1992. ISBN 082404522X (hardcover).

The Susato Motet Anthologies: Liber Quintus Ecclesiasticarum Cantionum Quinque Vocum Vulgo Moteta Vocant, Tam Ex Veteri Quam Novo Testamento, Ab Opt). Richard Sherr (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1995. ISBN 0824079159 (hardcover).

The Susato Motet Anthologies: Liber Septimus Ecclesiasticarum Cantionum Quinque Vocum…(Antwerp: Susato, 1553): Liber Octavus Ecclesiasticarum can. Richard Sherr. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1995. ISBN 0824079167 (hardcover).

The Susato Motet Anthologies: Liber Undecimus Ecclesiasticarum Cantionum Quinque Vocum, Liber Duodecimus Ecclesiasticarum Cantionum Quinque Vocum, li. Richard Sherr (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1997. ISBN 0824079183 (hardcover).

Symphonies Concertantes I: New Manuscript Scores (Johann Christian Bach, 173501782, the Collected Works). Ernest Warburton. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824060792 (hardcover).

Symphonies II: Twelve Symphonic Works from Eighteenth-Century Printed Sources (The Collected Works of Johann Christian Bach). Johann Christian Bach. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824060768 (hardcover).

The Symphony in Poland: Ortowski,Pawtowski,Pietrowski,1750-1800,Bohdanowicz-1740,Gotabek-1739,Wanski-1762,Dobrzynski 1807 (Series F-Volume 7) Vol 7. Muchenberg, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1982. ISBN 0824038207 (hardcover).

Tebaldo Ed Isolina (Italian Operas 1810-1840 Vol 24). Philip Gossett (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1990. ISBN 0824065735 (hardcover).

A Technique for Identifying Textual Errors and Its Application to the Sources of Music by Thomas Tallis (Outstanding Dissertations in Music from Birt). Penelope Rapson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1988. ISBN 0824020235 (hardcover).

The Texts of the Songs (English Song, 1600-1675). Elise Jorgens. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824082427 (hardcover).

The Texts of the Songs (English Songs 1600-1675). Elise Jorgens. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1990. ISBN 0815302576 (hardcover).

Theories of Musical Texture in Western History (Perspectives in Music Criticism and Theory, Vol 1). John David White. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1995. ISBN 0815311877 (hardcover).

Tonal Structures in Early Music (Criticism and Analysis of Early Music, V. 1). Cristle Collins Judd (Editor), et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1998. ISBN 0815323883 (hardcover).

Tudor Music: A Research and Information Guide (Music Research and Information Guides, Vol 18). Richard Turbet. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1994. ISBN 0824042964 (hardcover).

Turin: Biblioteca Nazioale Universitaria, MS Ris. Mus 1.27 (Olim Qm Iii. 59). Howard Brown. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824014677 (hardcover).

Two Bohemians in Paris: Selected Works of Ignaz Moscheles (1794-1870 and Alexander Dreyschock). Jeffrey Kallberg (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1993. ISBN 0815308515 (hardcover).

UN Avventura Di Scaramucia (Italian Opera 1810-1840, Vol 44). Philip Gossett, Luigi Ricci. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 082406593X (hardcover).

Uppsala, Universitetbibkuiteket, MS Vokalmusik I (Renaissance Music in Facsimile). Howard Brown. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824014685 (hardcover).

Uppsala, Universitetsbiblioteket, MS Vokalmusik I Handskrift 76B (Renaissance Music in Facsimile). Howard Brown. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824014693 (hardcover).

Variations for the Piano Complete Works for Piano 2. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1989. ISBN 0824037871 (hardcover).

Veracini and His Contemporaries: Continuo Sonatas for Violin (Eighteenth-Century Continuo Sonat, Vol 2). Jane Adas (Editor), Jaap Schoder. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1992. ISBN 0815301758 (hardcover).

Verona, Biblioteca Capitoare, Cod. Dcclvii (Renaissance Music in Facsimile). Howard Brown. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824014731 (hardcover).

Vesper and Compline Music for Three Principal Voices (Seventeenth-Century Italian Sacred Music, Vol 13). Jeffrey Kurtzman (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1998. ISBN 0815323603 (hardcover).

Vesper and Compline Music for Two Principal Voices (Seventeenth-Century Italian Sacred Music Series, Vol 12). Jeffrey Kurtzman (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1996. ISBN 081532359X (hardcover).

Woodwind Concertos: Five Solo Concertos for Woodwind Instruments (The Collected Works of Johann Christian Bach). Ernest Warburton, Richard Maunder (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824060857 (hardcover).

17th Century Keyboard Music: Sources Central to the Keyboard Art of the Baroque (Vienna, Osterreichische…). Alexander Silbiger (Editor), Robert Hill. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1988. ISBN 0824080025 (paperback).

Adalbert Gyrowetz 1763-1850: 4 Symphonies/Jan Ladislav Dussek 1760-1812: 1 Symphonie Concertante (Series B-Volume 11) Vol 11. John Rice, Allen H. Craw. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1983. ISBN 0824038266 (paperback).

Adelasia Ed Aleramo: And Excerpts from Other Operas (Italian Opera 1810-1840 Vol 11). Philip Gossett (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1990. ISBN 0824065603 (paperback).

Alceste (German Opera Series Vol 18). Christoph M. Wieland. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824088522 (paperback).

Alessandro Melani, 1639-1703 Ii, Sacrificio Di Abel. Giovanni Maria Casini, 1652-1719 Ii, Viaggio Di Tobia (The Italian Oratorio, 1650-1800). Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824077024 (paperback).

Alfonso Dalla Viola: Il Secondo Libro Di Madrigali (Ferrara, 1540) Vol 6. Alfonso Dalla Viola, Jessie Ann Owens (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0824055063 (paperback).

Andre Campra (1660-1744). Andre Campra, David Tunley (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0824096517 (paperback).

Anonymous Oratorios in the Barberini Collection of the Vatican Library Giuseppe ; Oratorio Per LA Settimana Santa ; 'O Cecita'; 'Mi Son Fatto Nemico'. Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824077016 (paperback).

Antecedents of the Symphony: The Ripieno Concerto-5 Concertos/the Eighteenth-Century Overture in Naples-20 Overtures (Series A-Volume 1) Vol 1. Eugene Wolf, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1983. ISBN 0824038282 (paperback).

Antonio Brioschi 1725-50/Fortunato Chelleri 1690-1757/Antonio Sacchini 1730-86/Gaetano Pugnani 1731-1798 (Series A-Volume 3) Vol 3. T. Russell, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1985. ISBN 0824038584 (paperback).

Antonio Caldara, Ca 1670-1736 Joaz (The Italian Oratorio 1650-1800). Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824077113 (paperback).

Antonio Draghi, 1634-1700 ; Jepthe-Le Cinque Piaghe Di Cristo. Pietro Andrea Ziani, Ca 1616-1684 ; Oratorio Di S. Pietro Piangente (The Italian Orato). Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824077083 (paperback).

Antonio Maria Bonocini, 1677-1726 ; LA Decollazione. Antonio Caldara, 1670-1736 ; Gesu Cristo, Signor Nostro (The Italian Oratorio 1650-1800). Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824077105 (paperback).

Antonio Sacchini, 1730-1786 Ester (The Italian Oratorio 1650-1800). Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824077210 (paperback).

Austrian Cloister Symphonists: Johann Zechner/Franz Aumann/Johann Albrechtsberger/Franz Schneider/Marian Paradeiser (Series B-Volume 6) Vol 6. Robert Freeman, Michael Meckna (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1982. ISBN 0824038142 (paperback).

Baldassare Donato: Il Primo Libro D'I Madregali Acinque & A Sei Voci Con Tre Dialoghi a Sette (Sixteenth-Century Madrigal, Vol 10). Baldassare Donato. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0824055101 (paperback).

Baldassare Donato: Il Primo Libro D'I Madregali Acinque & A Sei Voci Con Tre Dialoghi a Sette (Sixteenth-Century Madrigal, Vol 10). Baldassare Donato. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0824055101 (paperback).

Balzac and Music: Its Place and Meaning in His Life and Work (Garland Studies in Comparative Literature). Jean Pierre Barricelli. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1990. ISBN 082400003X (paperback).

Baroque Music I: Seventeenth Century (Garland Library of the History of Western Music, Vol 5). Ellen Rosand (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824074548 (paperback).

Baroque Music II: Eighteenth Century (Garland Library of the History of Western Music, Vol 6). Ellen Rosand (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824074556 (paperback).

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Belmont Und Constanze: Berlin, Seventeen Eighty-One (German Opera Series 1770-1800). Johann Andre. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824088557 (paperback).

Benedetto Marcello, 1686-1739 Joaz (The Italian Oratorio, 1650-1800). Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824077121 (paperback).

The Best Concords: Polyphonic Music in Thirteenth-Century Britain (Outstanding Dissertations in Music from British Universities). Nicky Losseff. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1994. ISBN 0815317107 (paperback).

Betulia Liberata (Volume 14). Georg Von Reutter, Joyce L. Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 082407713X (paperback).

Canadian Music a Research and Information Guide. George Proctor, David F. Lenson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1989. ISBN 0824066243 (paperback).

Cantatas by Andre Campra (1660-1728/Cantatas by Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet De LA Guerre). David Tunley (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0824096533 (paperback).

Cantatas by Jean-Baptiste Morin (1677-1754/Cantatas by Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet De LA Guerre). David Tunley (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0824096940 (paperback).

Cantatas by Jean-Joseph Mouret (1682-1738). David Tunley (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0824096576 (paperback).

Cantatas by Joseph Bodin De Boismortier (1689-1755). David Tunley (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0824096975 (paperback).

Cantatas by Louis Nicolas Clerambault (1676-1749 Part 1). David Tunley (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0824096622 (paperback).

Cantatas by Louis Nicolas Clerambault (1676-1749 Part 2). David Tunley (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0824096649 (paperback).

Cantatas by Louis-Nicolas: Clerambault (1676-1749 Separate Cantatas: Andre Cardinal Destouches/Jean-Philippe Rameau). David Tunley (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0824096657 (paperback).

Cantatas by Nicolas Bernier (C 1665-1734 Part I). David Tunley (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0824096592 (paperback).

Carl Ditters Von Dittersdorf 1739-99/Georg Matthias Monn 1717-50/Johann Christoph Mann 1726-82 (Series B-Volume 1) Vol 1. Badurs-Skoda, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1985. ISBN 0824038592 (paperback).

Carl Ditters Von Dittersdorf, 1739-1799: LA Liberatrice Del Popolo Gudaico Nella Persia, Asia L'Esther (The Italian Oratorio, 1650-1800). Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824077237 (paperback).

Carl Friedrich Abel 1723-1787: 6 Symphonies, Opus 1/Johann Christian Bach 1735-1782: 6 Symphonic Works (Series E-Volume 2) Vol 2. F. Zimmerman, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1983. ISBN 0824038258 (paperback).

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach 1714-1788: 6 Symphonies Them. Index 648,650,651,654,655,656 (Series C-Volume 8) Vol 8. Charles Gallagher, Eugene Helm (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1982. ISBN 0824038215 (paperback).

Carlo D'Ordonez: 7 Symphonies (Series B-Volume Iv) Vol 4. Peter A. Brown, Peter M. Alexander (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1969. ISBN 0824038002 (paperback).

Chamber Music I: Baroque Lute and Gamba Works (Three Centuries of Music in Score). Kenneth Cooper (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1988. ISBN 0824009347 (paperback).

Chamber Music II: Trio-Sonatas (Three Centuries of Music in Score). Kenneth Cooper (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1990. ISBN 0824009355 (paperback).

Chamber Music IV (3 Centuries of Music in Score, Vol 10). Kenneth Cooper. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1990. ISBN 0824009371 (paperback).

Chamber Music With Piano (Selected Works of Louis Spohr) Vol 10. Clive Brown. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1988. ISBN 0824015096 (paperback).

Chiara Di Rosembergh: And Excerpts from Some Earlier Operas (Italian Opera 1810-1840, Vol 42). Philip Gossett (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1990. ISBN 0824065913 (paperback).

Classic Music (Garland Library of the History of Western Music, Vol 7). Ellen Rosand (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824074564 (paperback).

Claude Le Jeune: Complete Unpublished Chansons (The Sixteenth-Century Chanson, Vol 17). Claude Le Jeune, Jane A. Bernstein (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1990. ISBN 0824031164 (paperback).

Complete Sonatas for Solo Piano (J.N. Hummel). Published 1989. ISBN 0824037863 (paperback).

Concerto IV: Classical Strings and Winds (C. 1770-1828). Kenneth Cooper. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1990. ISBN 0824009320 (paperback).

Concerto V: Late Classical Strings and Winds (Three Centuries of Music in Score, Vol 6). Kenneth Cooper. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1989. ISBN 0824009339 (paperback).

The 'Contenance Angloie' in Perspective: A Study of Consonance and Dissonance in Continental Music, C. 1380-1440 (Outstanding Dissertations in Music). Philip R. Kaye. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1989. ISBN 0824020154 (paperback).

Criticism and Analysis (Garland Library of the History of Western Music, Vol 13). Ellen Rosand (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824074629 (paperback).

Das Fest Der Winzer: Frankfurt, 1793 (German Opera Series). Friedrich L. Kunzen. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824088603 (paperback).

Das Sonnenfest Der Braminen: Vienna, 1790 (German Opera Series). Wenzel Muller. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824088654 (paperback).

Der Kaufman Von Smyrna: Mannheim, 1771 (German Opera Series 1770-1800 Vol 8). Georg J. Vogler. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824088573 (paperback).

Der Spiegel Von Arkadien: Viena, 1794 (German Opera Series 1770-1800). Franz X. S�ssmayr. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824088662 (paperback).

Der Topfer/Lampedo/Fernando Und Yariko (German Opera, 1770-1800, Vol, 9). Johann Andre, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824088581 (paperback).

Dictionary of American Composers. Neil Butterworth. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1984. ISBN 0824093119 (paperback).

Die Geisterinsel: Berlin, Seventeen Ninety-Eight (German Opera Series 1770-1800). Johann F. Reichardt. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824088565 (paperback).

Die Schone Schusterinn, Oder Die Puecefarbnen Schube: Vienna, 1779 (German Opera Series 1770-1800). Ignaz Umlauf. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 082408862X (paperback).

Early American Music: A Research and Information Guide (Music Research and Information Guides, Vol L 1007). James R. Heintze. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1990. ISBN 0824041194 (paperback).

Eighteenth-And Ninteenth-Century Source Studies (Garland Library of the History of Western Music, Vol 8). Ellen Rosand (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824074572 (paperback).

Elisa E Claudio: And Excerpts from L Apoteosi D'Ercole (Italian Opera 1810-1840 Vol 14). Philip Gossett (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1990. ISBN 0824065638 (paperback).

Etienne-Nicolas Mehul 1763-1817: 3 Symphonies (Series D-Volume 8) Vol 8. David Charlton, Anthony Caston (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1982. ISBN 0824038126 (paperback).

Ferdinand Herold 1791-1833: 2 Symphonies/George Onslow 1784-1853: 2 Symphonies (Series D-Volume 9) Vol 9. Boris Schwarz, Robert K. Schwarz (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1981. ISBN 0824038088 (paperback).

Ferdinand Ries 1784-1838/Three Symphonies 1,3,8 (Series C-Volume 12) Vol 12. Cecil Hill (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1982. ISBN 0824038177 (paperback).

Florence (Italian Secular Song, 1606-1636, Vol 1). Published 1987. ISBN 0824002008 (paperback).

Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, MS Banco Rari 120 (Olim Magl. Xix, 141 Renaissance Music in Facsimile). Howard Brown. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824014537 (paperback).

Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Mss Magliabechi Xix. 164-167 (Renaissance Music in Facsimile). Howard Brown. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824014545 (paperback).

Florian Leopold Gassmann 1729-1774: 7 Symphonies 23,26,62,64,85,86,120/Jan Krtitel Vanhal 1739-1813: 5 Symphns Em1,Cm2,B1,C11,Dm2, Vol 10. George Hill, Paul Bryan (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1981. ISBN 082403807X (paperback).

Foreign Composers in France 1750-1790/Franz Ignaz Beck 1734-1809 (Series D-Volume 2) Vol 2. Richard Viano, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1984. ISBN 0824038452 (paperback).

Francesco Feo 1691-1761; Oratorium Pro Defunctis 1723; Oratorio Pro Defunctis (Date Unknown;). Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824077164 (paperback).

Francesco Usper: Ricercari Et Arie Francesi a Quattro Voci (Venice, 1595). Francesco Usper, James Ladewig (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1990. ISBN 0824045106 (paperback).

François-Joseph Gossec 1734-1829: 8 Symphonic Works (Series D-Volume 3) Vol 3. Barry S. Brook. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1938. ISBN 0824038398 (paperback).

Franz Anton Hoffmeister: 2 Symphonies, Joseph Leopold Eybler: 1 Symphony, Johann Baptist Gansbacher: 1 Symphony (Series B-Volume 5) Vol 5. Hildegard Hermann-Schneider (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1984. ISBN 0824038428 (paperback).

Franz Asplmayr 1728-86/Leopold Hofmann 1738-93/Wenzel Pichl 1741-1805/Salzburg-Part 1: Leopold Mozart 1719-87 (Series B-Volume 7) Vol 7. D. Monk, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1985. ISBN 0824038541 (paperback).

Franz Richter 1709-89/Ernst Dietrich Adolf Eichner 1740-77/Georg Kreusser 1746-1810/Andreas Romberg 1767-1821/Bernhard Romberg 1767-1841 (Srsc Vol. 14 Vol 14. Van Boer, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1985. ISBN 0824038568 (paperback).

Friedrich Witt 1770-1836/Antoine Reicha/Anton Eberl 1765-1807 (Series B Volume 9) Vol 9. Stephen Fisher, Barbara Coeyman (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1983. ISBN 082403838X (paperback).

Gaetano Brunetti 1744-1798: 9 Symphonies 9.16,20,21,26,28,34,35,36 (Series A-Volume 5) Vol 5. Newell Jenkins. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1979. ISBN 0824038010 (paperback).

Georg Christoph Wagenseil 1715-1777: 15 Symphonies (Series B-Volume 3) Vol 3. John Kucaba (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1981. ISBN 0824038053 (paperback).

Georg Joseph Vogler 1749-1814/Franz Danzi 1763-1826/Bartolomeo Campagnoli 1751-1827 (Series C-Volume5) Vol 5. Bertil Van Boer, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1983. ISBN 0824038320 (paperback).

German Opera 1770-1800/Librettos V: Roméo Und Julie. Thomas Bauman (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824088719 (paperback).

German Opera/Der Kaufmann Von Smyrna/Lampedo/Lenardo Und Blandine/Der Spigel Von Arkadien/Der Rauchfangkebrer. Thomas Bauman (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824088700 (paperback).

Giacomo Filippo Biumi: Canzoni Alla Francese A4 and A8 Con Alcune Arie De Correnti A4 Milan, 1627 (Italian Instrumental Music of the Sixteenth and E). Giacomo Filippo Biumi. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1990. ISBN 0824045297 (paperback).

Giovanni Battista Sammartini 1700 or 1701-1775: 10 Symphonies (Series A-Volume 2) Vol 2. Bathia Churgin. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1984. ISBN 0824038533 (paperback).

Giovanni Bononcini II Xerse (Silvo Stampiglia, After Nicolo Minato Rome, 1694). John Handel Roberts (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824064828 (paperback).

Giovanni Legrenzi 1629-1690 II Sedecia Bernardo Pasquini 1637-1710 Sant'Agnese (The Italian Oratorio 1650-1800). Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824077075 (paperback).

Giovanni Paisiello 1740-1816: LA Passione Di Gesu Cristo (The Italian Oratoria, 1650-1800). Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 082407730X (paperback).

Giovanni Paolo Colonna 1637-1695 LA Caduta Di Gierusalemme (The Italian Oratorio, 1650-1800). Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824077040 (paperback).

Giovanni Paolo Colonna 1637-1695 Salomone Amante, Giacomo Antonio Perti 1661-1756 Agar (The Italian Oratorio, 1650-1800). Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824077032 (paperback).

Giuseppe Bonno 1711-1788 Isacco Figura Del Redentore (The Italian Oratorio, 1650-1800). Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824077202 (paperback).

The Guitar in England, 1800-1924 (Outstanding Dissertations in Music from British Universities). Stewart Button. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1990. ISBN 0824001893 (paperback).

The Idea of Gebrauchsmusik: A Study of Musical Aesthetics in the Weimar Republic (1919-1933 With Particular Reference to the Works of Paul Hindemit). Stephen Hinton. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1989. ISBN 082402009X (paperback).

Ignaz Franzl 1736-1811: 3 Symphonies/Peter Von Winter 1754-1825: 3 Symphonic Works (Series C-Volume 11) Vol 11. R. Wurtz, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1982. ISBN 0824038169 (paperback).

Ignaz Holzbauer 1711-1783/Johann Filtz 1733-1760/ Carl Stamitz 1745-1801 (Series C-Volume 4) Vol 4. Richard Agee. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1983. ISBN 0824038347 (paperback).

Ignaz Pleyel 1757-1831: Four Symphonies/One Symphonie Concertante (Series D-Volume 6) Vol 6. Raymond Smith, Douglas Townsend (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1981. ISBN 0824038045 (paperback).

Il Bravo (Italian Operas 1810-1840 Vol 21). Philip Gossett (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1990. ISBN 0824065700 (paperback).

Il Templario: And Excerpts from Other Operas (Italian Opera 1810-1840 Vol 25). Philip Gossett (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1990. ISBN 0824065751 (paperback).

The Italian Oratorio 1650-1800 Works in a Central Baroque and Classic Tradition Vol 30. Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824077296 (paperback).

The Italian Oratorio 1650-1800 Works in a Central Baroque and Classic Tradition Vol 25. Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824077245 (paperback).

Italians in Vienna/Francesco Conti 1682 1732/Antonio Caldara 1670-1736/Antonio Salieri 1750-1825 (Series B-Volume 2) Vol 2. H. Williams, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1984. ISBN 0824038304 (paperback).

Japanese Music: An Annotated Bibliography (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, Vol 472). Gen'Ichi Tsuge. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824089952 (paperback).

Johan Agrell: 5 Symphonies/Johann Graun: 3 Symphonies/Carl Graun: 2 Overtures/Johann Lang: 3 Symphonies (Series C-Volume 1) Vol 1. J. Sheerin, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1983. ISBN 0824038339 (paperback).

Johann Adolf Hasse 1699-1783 Sant'Elena Al Calvario (The Italian Oratorio, 1650-1800). Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 082407727X (paperback).

Christoph Graupner: 4 Symphonies/Joseph&Placidus Camerloher: 3 Symphonies/Johann Endler: 3 Symphonies/Johann Schetky: 1 Quartet (Srs C Vol) Vol 2. M. Rosenblum, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1984. ISBN 082403841X (paperback).

Johann Gottlieb Naumann 1741-1801 LA Passione Di Gesu Cristo 1767 Abd 1787 (The Italian Oratorio, 1650-1800). Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824077261 (paperback).

Joseph Mysliweczek 1737-1781 LA Passione (The Italian Oratorio 1650-1800). Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824077229 (paperback).

Justin Heinrich Knecht 1752-1817/Johann Wilhelm Wilms 1772-1847/Johann Wenzel Kalliwoda 1801-66 (Series C-Volume 13) Vol 13. H. Hohnen, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1984. ISBN 0824038436 (paperback).

Krakow, Biblioteka Jagiellonska, Glogauer Liederbuch (Renaissance Music in Facsimile). Howard Brown. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824014553 (paperback).

L'Ultimo Giorno Di Pompei and Excerpts from Niobe (Italian Opera 1810-1840, Vol 32). Philip Gossett, Giovanni Pacini. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824065816 (paperback).

La Betulia Liberata (Vol 26) Vol 26. Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824077253 (paperback).

La Dori (Italian Opera 1640-1770 No 6). Published 1981. ISBN 0824048024 (paperback).

La Strage Degl'Innocenti/Il Sacrifizio D'Lsacco (Volume 10) Vol 10. Antonio Bertali, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824077091 (paperback).

Lenardo Und Blandine: Munich, Seventeen Seventy-Nine (German Opera Series 1770-1800). Peter Winter. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 082408859X (paperback).

Leonardo Leo (1694-1744 LA Morte D'Abel). Joycy Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824077156 (paperback).

London, British Library, MS Add. 23623 (Messaus Ms). Alexander Silbiger. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824080173 (paperback).

London, British Library, MS Royal 8 G. VII (Renaissance Music in Facsimile). Howard Brown. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824014588 (paperback).

London, British Library, Mss Add. 39569 (Babell Ms'). Alexander Silbiger. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824080181 (paperback).

London, British Library, R.M. 24 D. 2 (Renaissance Music in Facsimile). Howard Brown. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 082401457X (paperback).

Louis Spohr 1784-1859: Three Symphonies 4,6,7 (Series C-Volume 9) Vol 9. Joshua Berrett (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1980. ISBN 0824038037 (paperback).

Medea in Corinto (Italian Opera, 1810-1840, Vol 12). Philip Gossett. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824065611 (paperback).

Medieval Music I: Monophony (Garland Library of the History of Western Music, Vol 1) Vol 1. Ellen Rosand (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824074505 (paperback).

Medieval Music II: Polyphony (Garland Library of the History of Western Music, Vol 2) Vol 2. Ellen Rosand (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824074513 (paperback).

Mendelssohn's Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in E Minor, Op. 64: A Facsimile (Music in Facsimile, Vol 4). H.C. Robbins Landon. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0815302274 (paperback).

Michel Pignolet De Monteclair (1667-1737). David Tunley (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0824096932 (paperback).

Mid Eighteenth-Century Cello Sonatas: Continuo Sonatas for Cello (Eighteenth-Century Continuo Sonata, Vol. 7). Jane Adas (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0815301804 (paperback).

Milan, Archive Della Veneranda Fabbrica Del Duomo, Sezione Musicale, Librone 1, Librone 2, and Librone 3 (Olim Mss 2269, 2268 and 2267). Howard Brown. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824014618 (paperback).

Music Analysis and the Listener (Outstanding Dissertations in Music from British Universities). Nicholas Cook. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1989. ISBN 0824001907 (paperback).

Music and Ideas in Seventeenth-Century Italy: The Cazzati-Arresti Polemic (Outstanding Dissertations in Music from British Universities). Ursula Brett. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1989. ISBN 0824023382 (paperback).

Music in the Plays of Shakespeare: A Practicum. Andrew Charlton. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0815304056 (paperback).

The Music of the Medieval Liturgical Drama in France and in England (Outstanding Dissertations in Music from British Universities). Susan Rankin. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1989. ISBN 0824020227 (paperback).

Music Theory and Analysis: The Limitations of Logic (Outstanding Dissertations in Music from British Universities). Alastair Borthwick. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1995. ISBN 081531857X (paperback).

Music, Printed and Manuscript, in the James Weldon Johnson Memorial Collection of Negro Arts and Letters. Rae Linda Brown. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1981. ISBN 0824093194 (paperback).

Nicola Porpora, 1686 1768 II Verbo in Carne, Oratorio Per LA Nativita Di Gesu Cristo (The Italian Oratorio, 1650-1800). Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824077199 (paperback).

Nineteenth-Century Music (Garland Library of the History of Western Music, Vol 9). Ellen Rosand (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824074580 (paperback).

The Northern Italian Symphony 1800-1840/Rolla, Nicolini, Basili, Asioli, Pavesi, Polledro, Pugni (Series A-Volume 6) Vol 6. Rey M. Longyear (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1982. ISBN 0824038193 (paperback).

Northwestern Italy (Italian Secular Song 1606-1636, Vol Iv). Published 1987. ISBN 0824002032 (paperback).

Novum Et Insigne Opus Musicum (Nuremberg, Berg and Neuber, 1558-1559). Published 1987. ISBN 0824014766 (paperback).

Organ Music in Restoration England: A Study of Sources, Styles, and Influences (Outstanding Dissertations in Music from British Universities). Geoffrey Cox. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1989. ISBN 0824023412 (paperback).

Overture in England, 1800-1840: Henry Bishop,Philip Potter,John Thomson,George MacFarren,William Bennett (Series E Volume 6) Vol 6. Nicholas Temperlay, Matthew Greenbaum (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1984. ISBN 0824038444 (paperback).

The Overture in France, 1790-1810/Jacques Widerkehr, 1759-1823/Pierre Rebeyrol, 1798-1850 (Series D-Volume 7) Vol 7. David Charlton, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1983. ISBN 0824038363 (paperback).

Padre Giovanni Battista Martini Lampugnani Pasquale Luigi Simone Gateano (Series A-Volume 4) Vol 4. Brofsky, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1983. ISBN 0824038290 (paperback).

Pasquale Anfossi, 1727-1797 Giuseppe Riconosciuto. Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824077288 (paperback).

Pavia, Biblioteca Universitaria, Codex Aldini, MS 362 (Renaissance Music in Facsimile). Howard Brown. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824014650 (paperback).

Pietro Della Valle, 1586-1652: Per LA Festa Della Santissima Purificatione, Dialogo Francesco Foggia, 1604-1688 ; David Fugiens a Facie Saul Tobiae o. Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824077008 (paperback).

Pietro Lappi (Italian Instrumental Music of the 16th and Early 17th Centuries, Vol 26). James Ladewig. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1991. ISBN 0824045254 (paperback).

Pietro Paolo Bencini, 1670-1755 II: Sacrificio Abramo (The Italian Oratorio, 1650-1800). Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824077148 (paperback).

Pirro Capacelli Albergati, 1663-1735 II Convito Di Baldassare: Giovanni Bonocini 1670-1747: LA Maddalena a Piedi Di Cristo (The Italian Oratorio,16). Joyce Johnson. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824077067 (paperback).

Polish Music: A Research and Information Guide (Music Research and Information Guides, Vol 12). William Smialek. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1989. ISBN 0824046145 (paperback).

Polyphonic Music in Thirteenth-Century France: Aspects of Sources and Distribution (Outstanding Dissertations in Music from British Universities). Mark Everist. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1989. ISBN 0824001958 (paperback).

A Portrait of the Artist: The Legends of Orpheus and Their Use in Medieval and Renaissance Aesthetics (Harvard Dissertations in Comparative Literatu). Elizabeth A. Newby. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1987. ISBN 0824084314 (paperback).

Primo Libro Di Madrigali a Quatro Voci (Sixteenth-Century Madrigal, Vol 3). Perissone Cambio. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1989. ISBN 0824055039 (paperback).

A Proposed Classification of Chords in Early Twentieth-Century Music (Outstanding Dissertations in Music from British Universities). Simon Harris. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1990. ISBN 0824001982 (paperback).

Prosper-Didier Deshayes 1745-1815/Etienne Ozi 1754-1813/François Devienne 1759-1803/Giovanni Battista Viotti 1755-1824 (Series D-Volume 10) Vol 10. J. Metz, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1982. ISBN 0824038150 (paperback).

Reinhard Keiser: LA Forza Della Virtu (Friedrich Christian Bressard, Hamburg, 1700) Vol 2. Reinhard Keiser. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824064763 (paperback).

Renaissance Music/Part 1 (The Graland Library of the History of Western Music, Vol 3) Vol 3. Ellen Rosand (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 0824074521 (paperback).

Renaissance Music/Part 2 (The Garland Library of the History of Western Music, Vol 4) Vol 4. Ellen Rosand (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1986. ISBN 082407453X (paperback).

Ricciardo E. Zoraide (Early Romantic Opera Series No 10). Giochino Rossini. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1979. ISBN 0824029097 (paperback).

Rome and Naples (Italian Secular Song 1606-1636 Series, Vol Iii). Published 1987. ISBN 0824002024 (paperback).

Rossini Gioachino 1792-1868 (Early Romantic Opera Vol 11). Gossett. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1981. ISBN 0824029100 (paperback).

Salzburg: Part 2, Johann Eberlin 1702-1762/Anton Adlgasser 1729-1777/Johann Haydn 1737-1806 (Series B- Volume 8) Vol 8. Schneider-Cuvay, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1982. ISBN 0824038185 (paperback).

The Science of Music in Britain, 1714-1830: A Catalogue of Writings, Lectures, and Inventions (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities ; V. 79). Jamie Croy Kassler. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1977. ISBN 0824098943 (paperback).

Semiramide (Early Romantic Opera Volumes 1 and 2). Gaetano Rossi. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1978. ISBN 0824029127 (paperback).

Seven Symphonies from the Court of Oettingen Wallerstein 1773-1795/Fiala, Rosetti, Reicha, Wineberger, Franz, Ignaz, Von Beecke (Series C-Volume 6) Vol 6. Sterling E. Murray (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1981. ISBN 0824038061 (paperback).

Seven Symphonies from the Court of Thurn Und Taxis: Joseph Riepel/Joseph Touchemoulin/Franz Xaver Pokorny/Theodor Von Schacht (Series C-Volume 7) Vol 7. Thomas Emmerig, Hugo Angerer (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1984. ISBN 082403855X (paperback).

Sigismond Thalberg (1812-1871: Selected Works) Vol 1. Jeffrey Kallberg (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1993. ISBN 0815308477 (paperback).

Simon Le Duc 1742-1777: 5 Symphonic Works/Le Chevalier De Saint-Georges 1739-1799: 3 Symphonic Works (Series D-Volume 4) Vol 4. Barry Brook, David Bain. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1983. ISBN 0824038231 (paperback).

The Sixteenth-Century Chanson: Didier Leschenet, Jean Maillard, Jean Le Brun, Johannes Lupi (Sixteenth Century Chanson, Volume 18) Vol 18. Bernstein Jane A. (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1990. ISBN 0824031172 (paperback).

The Songs of Robert Burns. John Ashmead, John Davison. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1989. ISBN 0824001818 (paperback).

Stanislao Mattei 1750-1825: 5 Symphonies/Niccolo Zingarelli 1752-1837: 7 Symphonies (Series A-Volume 8) Vol 8. Rey M. Longyear (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1980. ISBN 0824038029 (paperback).

Structure and Sorcery: The Aesthetics of Post War Serial Composition and Indeterminacy (Outstanding Dissertations in Music from British Universities). Roger W.H. Savage. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1989. ISBN 0824020413 (paperback).

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The Symphony 1720-1840: A Comprehensive Collection of Full Scores in Sixty Volumes Vol 13. Barry S. Brook (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1984. ISBN 0824038517 (paperback).

The Symphony 1720-1840: A Comprehensive Collection of Full Scores in Sixty-Four Volumes (Garland Series, Series B, Vol Xiv). Barry S. Brook, Barbara B. Heyman (Editor). Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1985. ISBN 0824038576 (paperback).

Symphony and Overture in Great Britain: 20 Works (Series E-Volume 1) Vol 1. R. Platt, et al. Routledge (formerly Garland Press). 1984. ISBN 0824038401 (paperback).

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